Mary Pope Osborne's
Classroom Adventures Program

Curriculum Key

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#M22, Hurry Up, Houdini!

Book 22 of the Merlin Mission - Greatness #2


Language Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Language Arts

Concept; Vocabulary; Cause & Effect; Writing: Text types and purposes; Presentation skills; Speaking & Listening: Comprehension and collaboration; Fantasy/Reality; Note taking skills; Genre focus: Biographies

Social Studies

Core Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

Mapping Skills; Historical Quotations; Harry Houdini


Core Curriculum Standards for Math

Elapsed time; Money word problems; Time; Multiplication; Math Tricks


Core Curriculum Standards for Science

Landforms; Optical Illusions


Core Curriculum Standards for Geography

Coney Island NY

Character Building Lessons

Core Curriculum Standards for Character Building Lessons

Hard work is a key ingredient of greatness.; But having fun while you do the hard work is also important.

Visual Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Visual Arts

Plot Visualization


Core Curriculum Standards for Music

Read Read; Read Song; Musical Emotions

Theatre Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Theatre Arts

Passport to Adventure; Respectful audience behavior

This time Jack and Annie are tracking the tricks! It's a book of magic tricks perfect for chapter book readers! When Jack and Annie went back in time to meet Houdini, they learned that the most famous magician of all time didn't use real magic at all. It was a trick! Now they've tracked down all the best, most fun, most tricky magic tricks and put them together in one book. With simple instructions, easy-to-follow diagrams, and tips from Jack and Annie, Magic Tricks from the Tree House is tailor-made to teach kids how to wow friends and family in their very own magic shows. Includes facts about famous magicians and famous tricks.

Book Summary

On their latest mission for the magician Merlin, Jack and Annie are sent back in time to Coney Island, to meet the legendary magician, Harry Houdini! But they’re not just there to have fun – they will learn about how he accomplishes his magic tricks, and all the hard work it took to learn them.

Book Cluster: Book 22 of the Merlin Mission - Greatness #2

Fact Tracker Summary

This time Jack and Annie are tracking the tricks! It's a book of magic tricks perfect for chapter book readers! When Jack and Annie went back in time to meet Houdini, they learned that the most famous magician of all time didn't use real magic at all. It was a trick! Now they've tracked down all the best, most fun, most tricky magic tricks and put them together in one book. With simple instructions, easy-to-follow diagrams, and tips from Jack and Annie, Magic Tricks from the Tree House is tailor-made to teach kids how to wow friends and family in their very own magic shows. Includes facts about famous magicians and famous tricks.

Subjects addressed in these books:

Language Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Language Arts

Concept; Vocabulary; Cause & Effect; Writing: Text types and purposes; Presentation skills; Speaking & Listening: Comprehension and collaboration; Fantasy/Reality; Note taking skills; Genre focus: Biographies

Social Studies

Core Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

Mapping Skills; Historical Quotations; Harry Houdini


Core Curriculum Standards for Math

Elapsed time; Money word problems; Time; Multiplication; Math Tricks


Core Curriculum Standards for Science

Landforms; Optical Illusions


Core Curriculum Standards for Geography

Coney Island NY

Character Building Lessons

Core Curriculum Standards for Character Building Lessons

Hard work is a key ingredient of greatness.; But having fun while you do the hard work is also important.

Visual Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Visual Arts

Plot Visualization


Core Curriculum Standards for Music

Read Read; Read Song; Musical Emotions

Theatre Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Theatre Arts

Passport to Adventure; Respectful audience behavior

#M23, High Time for Heroes

Book 23 of the Merlin Mission - Greatness #3


Language Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Language Arts

Concept; Vocabulary; Cause & Effect; Writing: Text types and purposes; Presentation skills; Speaking & Listening: Comprehension and collaboration; Compare/contrast; Note taking skills; Genre focus: Biographies; Text features; Making inferences; Questioning; Context clues

Social Studies

Core Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

Florence Nightingale; Life Past and Present; British occupation of Egypt; Historical gender/behavior norms; Transportation: kinds of boats; donkeys; Careers: nurses and guides; Harriet Tubman; Susan B. Anthony; Mahatma Gandhi; Martin Luther King Jr.; John Muir


Core Curriculum Standards for Math

Counting money in different cultures (Egyptian); Egyptian number systems


Core Curriculum Standards for Science

Food Chains: predators and prey; Medical Technology; Earth features: rivers; valleys; cliffs; Egyptian climate; Habitats: deserts; Weathering: ruins


Core Curriculum Standards for Geography

England; Thebes Egypt; The Nile River; Valley of the Kings

Nature and Conservation

Core Curriculum Standards for Nature and Conservation

The Nile River

Animals and Wildlife

Core Curriculum Standards for Animals and Wildlife

Crocodiles; Donkeys; Hippos; Egyptian Jackals; Egyptian Snakes (black mamba); Baboons

Mythology and Legends

Core Curriculum Standards for Mythology and Legends

Egyptian Mythology

Character Building Lessons

Core Curriculum Standards for Character Building Lessons

A secret to greatness is finding meaning and purpose in your life.

Visual Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Visual Arts

Paintings of Anubis


Core Curriculum Standards for Music

Read Read; Read Song; Music from Egypt

Theatre Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Theatre Arts

Passport to Adventure; Respectful audience behavior

When Jack and Annie got back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #51, they had lots of questions. How did Florence Nightingale change nursing? Who helped women get the vote? What was Martin Luther King, Jr.'s, dream? How did Gandhi change the world? Find out the answers to these questions and more as Jack and Annie track the facts behind six amazing people who have changed history. Includes Florence Nightingale, Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, and John Muir. Filled with up-to-date information, photos, illustrations, and fun tidbits from Jack and Annie, the Magic Tree House Fact Trackers are the perfect way for kids to find out more about the topics they discovered in their favorite Magic Tree House adventures.

Book Summary

Magic Tree House #51: High Time for Heroes features Jack and Annie back in Egypt, still seeking the secrets of greatness for Merlin. This time they will meet the great nurse, Florence Nightingale, on her trip to Egypt that served as the inspiration for the choices that made her both famous and beloved.

Book Cluster: Book 23 of the Merlin Mission - Greatness #3

Fact Tracker Summary

When Jack and Annie got back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #51, they had lots of questions. How did Florence Nightingale change nursing? Who helped women get the vote? What was Martin Luther King, Jr.'s, dream? How did Gandhi change the world? Find out the answers to these questions and more as Jack and Annie track the facts behind six amazing people who have changed history. Includes Florence Nightingale, Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, and John Muir. Filled with up-to-date information, photos, illustrations, and fun tidbits from Jack and Annie, the Magic Tree House Fact Trackers are the perfect way for kids to find out more about the topics they discovered in their favorite Magic Tree House adventures.

Subjects addressed in these books:

Language Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Language Arts

Concept; Vocabulary; Cause & Effect; Writing: Text types and purposes; Presentation skills; Speaking & Listening: Comprehension and collaboration; Compare/contrast; Note taking skills; Genre focus: Biographies; Text features; Making inferences; Questioning; Context clues

Social Studies

Core Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

Florence Nightingale; Life Past and Present; British occupation of Egypt; Historical gender/behavior norms; Transportation: kinds of boats; donkeys; Careers: nurses and guides; Harriet Tubman; Susan B. Anthony; Mahatma Gandhi; Martin Luther King Jr.; John Muir


Core Curriculum Standards for Math

Counting money in different cultures (Egyptian); Egyptian number systems


Core Curriculum Standards for Science

Food Chains: predators and prey; Medical Technology; Earth features: rivers; valleys; cliffs; Egyptian climate; Habitats: deserts; Weathering: ruins


Core Curriculum Standards for Geography

England; Thebes Egypt; The Nile River; Valley of the Kings

Nature and Conservation

Core Curriculum Standards for Nature and Conservation

The Nile River

Animals and Wildlife

Core Curriculum Standards for Animals and Wildlife

Crocodiles; Donkeys; Hippos; Egyptian Jackals; Egyptian Snakes (black mamba); Baboons

Mythology and Legends

Core Curriculum Standards for Mythology and Legends

Egyptian Mythology

Character Building Lessons

Core Curriculum Standards for Character Building Lessons

A secret to greatness is finding meaning and purpose in your life.

Visual Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Visual Arts

Paintings of Anubis


Core Curriculum Standards for Music

Read Read; Read Song; Music from Egypt

Theatre Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Theatre Arts

Passport to Adventure; Respectful audience behavior

#M24, Soccer on Sunday

Book 24 of the Merlin Mission - Greatness #4


Language Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Language Arts

Concept; Vocabulary; Cause & Effect; Writing: Text types and purposes; Presentation skills; Speaking & Listening: Comprehension and collaboration; Compare/contrast; Note taking skills; Genre focus: Biographies; Text features; Making inferences; Questioning; Context clues; Pamphlets; tickets

Social Studies

Core Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

Map skills; World Cup Soccer History; Soccer hero: Pelé; Transportation: metro; tram; bus; Aztec civilization; World flags; Soccer around the world


Core Curriculum Standards for Math

Elapsed time; Counting money in different cultures (Mexico); Fractions


Core Curriculum Standards for Science

Mexico City climate; Inventions: stadium; screens; cell phones


Core Curriculum Standards for Geography

Venice Italy; Mexico City; Brazil

Character Building Lessons

Core Curriculum Standards for Character Building Lessons

Enthusiasm is a secret of greatness.; Love what you do and share that joy with others.

Visual Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Music

Read Read; Read Song

Theatre Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Theatre Arts

Passport to Adventure; Respectful audience behavior

When Jack and Annie got back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #52: Soccer on Sunday, they had lots of questions. How did soccer get started? Who are some of its greatest players? What is the World Cup? Find out the answers to these questions and more as Jack and Annie track the facts behind one of the world's most popular sports. Filled with up-to-date information, photos, illustrations, and fun tidbits from Jack and Annie, the Magic Tree House Fact Trackers are the perfect way for kids.

Book Summary

Magic Tree House #52: Soccer on Sunday will take Jack and Annie to a soccer field in Mexico where they must find the final secret of greatness for Merlin. On the field, they'll meet a young soccer player who dreams of one day playing in the World Cup just like his hero, the great Brazilian soccer player, Pelé!

Book Cluster: Book 24 of the Merlin Mission - Greatness #4

Fact Tracker Summary

When Jack and Annie got back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #52: Soccer on Sunday, they had lots of questions. How did soccer get started? Who are some of its greatest players? What is the World Cup? Find out the answers to these questions and more as Jack and Annie track the facts behind one of the world's most popular sports. Filled with up-to-date information, photos, illustrations, and fun tidbits from Jack and Annie, the Magic Tree House Fact Trackers are the perfect way for kids.

Subjects addressed in these books:

Language Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Language Arts

Concept; Vocabulary; Cause & Effect; Writing: Text types and purposes; Presentation skills; Speaking & Listening: Comprehension and collaboration; Compare/contrast; Note taking skills; Genre focus: Biographies; Text features; Making inferences; Questioning; Context clues; Pamphlets; tickets

Social Studies

Core Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

Map skills; World Cup Soccer History; Soccer hero: Pelé; Transportation: metro; tram; bus; Aztec civilization; World flags; Soccer around the world


Core Curriculum Standards for Math

Elapsed time; Counting money in different cultures (Mexico); Fractions


Core Curriculum Standards for Science

Mexico City climate; Inventions: stadium; screens; cell phones


Core Curriculum Standards for Geography

Venice Italy; Mexico City; Brazil

Character Building Lessons

Core Curriculum Standards for Character Building Lessons

Enthusiasm is a secret of greatness.; Love what you do and share that joy with others.

Visual Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Music

Read Read; Read Song

Theatre Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Theatre Arts

Passport to Adventure; Respectful audience behavior

#M25, Shadow of the Shark

Book 25 of the Merlin Mission


Language Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Language Arts

Concept; Vocabulary; Cause & Effect; Writing: Text types and purposes; Presentation skills; Speaking & Listening: Comprehension and collaboration; Compare/contrast; Note taking skills; Text features; Making inferences; Questioning; Context clues; Captions; Persuasive writing; Genre focus: Travel Guide

Social Studies

Core Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

Communication technology: texting; notes; Tourism; Mayan civilization past and present; Cultural ceremonies; Yohl Ik'nal; Women's leaders


Core Curriculum Standards for Math

Mayan calendar; Conversion ratios


Core Curriculum Standards for Science

Animal habitats; Coral Reefs; Earth features: peninsula; ocean; cave; Materials that float; Winds; waves; and currents


Core Curriculum Standards for Geography

Cozumel Mexico; Yucatán Peninsula; The Ocean Beach

Nature and Conservation

Core Curriculum Standards for Nature and Conservation

Corral Reefs

Animals and Wildlife

Core Curriculum Standards for Animals and Wildlife

Jaguars; Sharks; Coral; Whale Sharks

Character Building Lessons

Core Curriculum Standards for Character Building Lessons

A great leader is just and fair.; A great leader has courage and wisdom.; A great leader can be male or female.

Visual Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Visual Arts

Mayan masks; headresses; and attire


Core Curriculum Standards for Music

Read Read; Read Song

Theatre Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Theatre Arts

Passport to Adventure; Respectful audience behavior

When Jack and Annie came back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #53: Shadow of the Shark, they had lots of questions. How many teeth do sharks have? What is their favorite food? What are some other top predators? How do they keep life in balance? Find out the answers to these questions and more as Jack and Annie track the facts about sharks and other predators.

Book Summary

It’s a dream vacation for Jack and Annie—or is it? When Teddy, a young sorcerer, offers to send Jack and Annie on a dream vacation, they can’t wait to go. The brother-and-sister pair wish for a trip to a beach paradise, and the magic tree house whisks them off to the coast of Mexico. Everything starts out perfectly as they raft around a coral reef. But then a hungry shark attacks! And their dream vacation turns into a nightmare!

Book Cluster: Book 25 of the Merlin Mission

Fact Tracker Summary

When Jack and Annie came back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #53: Shadow of the Shark, they had lots of questions. How many teeth do sharks have? What is their favorite food? What are some other top predators? How do they keep life in balance? Find out the answers to these questions and more as Jack and Annie track the facts about sharks and other predators.

Subjects addressed in these books:

Language Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Language Arts

Concept; Vocabulary; Cause & Effect; Writing: Text types and purposes; Presentation skills; Speaking & Listening: Comprehension and collaboration; Compare/contrast; Note taking skills; Text features; Making inferences; Questioning; Context clues; Captions; Persuasive writing; Genre focus: Travel Guide

Social Studies

Core Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

Communication technology: texting; notes; Tourism; Mayan civilization past and present; Cultural ceremonies; Yohl Ik'nal; Women's leaders


Core Curriculum Standards for Math

Mayan calendar; Conversion ratios


Core Curriculum Standards for Science

Animal habitats; Coral Reefs; Earth features: peninsula; ocean; cave; Materials that float; Winds; waves; and currents


Core Curriculum Standards for Geography

Cozumel Mexico; Yucatán Peninsula; The Ocean Beach

Nature and Conservation

Core Curriculum Standards for Nature and Conservation

Corral Reefs

Animals and Wildlife

Core Curriculum Standards for Animals and Wildlife

Jaguars; Sharks; Coral; Whale Sharks

Character Building Lessons

Core Curriculum Standards for Character Building Lessons

A great leader is just and fair.; A great leader has courage and wisdom.; A great leader can be male or female.

Visual Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Visual Arts

Mayan masks; headresses; and attire


Core Curriculum Standards for Music

Read Read; Read Song

Theatre Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Theatre Arts

Passport to Adventure; Respectful audience behavior

#M26, Balto of the Blue Dawn

Book 26 of the Merlin Mission


Language Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Language Arts

Concept; Vocabulary; Cause & Effect; Writing: Text types and purposes; Presentation skills; Speaking & Listening: Comprehension and collaboration; Note taking skills; Genre focus: Biographies

Social Studies

Core Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

Alaska 1925


Core Curriculum Standards for Science

Diphtheria Epidemic


Core Curriculum Standards for Geography


Nature and Conservation

Core Curriculum Standards for Nature and Conservation


Animals and Wildlife

Core Curriculum Standards for Animals and Wildlife

Sled Dogs; Dogs (Siberian Huskies)

Character Building Lessons

Core Curriculum Standards for Character Building Lessons

One should help others for the sake of doing good rather than to gain fame or reward.


Core Curriculum Standards for Music

Read Read; Read Song

Theatre Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Theatre Arts

Passport to Adventure; Respectful audience behavior

Track the facts about the famous sled dog race and other incredible feats—with Jack and Annie! When Jack and Annie came back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #54, they had lots of questions. How do sled dogs race for so long? When was the first Iditarod? What are some other extreme sports? Find out the answers to these questions and more as Jack and Annie track the facts about the Iditarod, open water swimming, the Ironman triathlon, free climbing, the X Games, and other ways people test their limits.

Book Summary

Pack your snowshoes! The magic tree house is taking Jack and Annie to Alaska in this NEW adventure in the New York Times bestselling Magic Tree House series! The magic tree house has returned and it’s taking Jack and Annie back in time to Alaska, 1925. There they meet Balto, a jet-black Siberian husky destined to save victims of the diphtheria epidemic. But the trail isn’t easy, and Balto is going to need Jack and Annie’s help!

Book Cluster: Book 26 of the Merlin Mission

Fact Tracker Summary

Track the facts about the famous sled dog race and other incredible feats—with Jack and Annie! When Jack and Annie came back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #54, they had lots of questions. How do sled dogs race for so long? When was the first Iditarod? What are some other extreme sports? Find out the answers to these questions and more as Jack and Annie track the facts about the Iditarod, open water swimming, the Ironman triathlon, free climbing, the X Games, and other ways people test their limits.

Subjects addressed in these books:

Language Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Language Arts

Concept; Vocabulary; Cause & Effect; Writing: Text types and purposes; Presentation skills; Speaking & Listening: Comprehension and collaboration; Note taking skills; Genre focus: Biographies

Social Studies

Core Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

Alaska 1925


Core Curriculum Standards for Science

Diphtheria Epidemic


Core Curriculum Standards for Geography


Nature and Conservation

Core Curriculum Standards for Nature and Conservation


Animals and Wildlife

Core Curriculum Standards for Animals and Wildlife

Sled Dogs; Dogs (Siberian Huskies)

Character Building Lessons

Core Curriculum Standards for Character Building Lessons

One should help others for the sake of doing good rather than to gain fame or reward.


Core Curriculum Standards for Music

Read Read; Read Song

Theatre Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Theatre Arts

Passport to Adventure; Respectful audience behavior

#M27, Night of the Ninth Dragon

Book 27 of the Merlin Mission


Language Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Language Arts

Concept; Vocabulary; Cause & Effect; Writing: Text types and purposes; Presentation skills; Speaking & Listening: Comprehension and collaboration; Note taking skills; Genre focus: Biographies

Social Studies

Core Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

5th century British Isles


Core Curriculum Standards for Geography

Britain; Wales

Mythology and Legends

Core Curriculum Standards for Mythology and Legends

Invasions of British Isles in 5th century; stories of King Arthur and the Isle of Avalon; Welsh dragons; Geography of Wales

Character Building Lessons

Core Curriculum Standards for Character Building Lessons

When things look their worst pick yourself up brush yourself off and keep going.

Visual Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Music

Read Read; Read Song

Theatre Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Theatre Arts

Passport to Adventure; Respectful audience behavior

Book Summary

Book Cluster: Book 27 of the Merlin Mission

Fact Tracker Summary

Subjects addressed in these books:

Language Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Language Arts

Concept; Vocabulary; Cause & Effect; Writing: Text types and purposes; Presentation skills; Speaking & Listening: Comprehension and collaboration; Note taking skills; Genre focus: Biographies

Social Studies

Core Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

5th century British Isles


Core Curriculum Standards for Geography

Britain; Wales

Mythology and Legends

Core Curriculum Standards for Mythology and Legends

Invasions of British Isles in 5th century; stories of King Arthur and the Isle of Avalon; Welsh dragons; Geography of Wales

Character Building Lessons

Core Curriculum Standards for Character Building Lessons

When things look their worst pick yourself up brush yourself off and keep going.

Visual Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Music

Read Read; Read Song

Theatre Arts

Core Curriculum Standards for Theatre Arts

Passport to Adventure; Respectful audience behavior

Magic Tree House Resources
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